Get ready for ID4Africa 2018


Preparations for ID4Africa 2018, hosted by the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) of Nigeriaare well underway. Our upcoming Annual Meeting, scheduled for 24-26 April, will be held at the Abuja International Convention Centre in Abuja, Nigeria. The theme is Harmonization of Identity Schemes.

Harmonization was an important topic made clear during the 2017 meeting. The fragmentation of identity systems and data is now in desperate need for harmonization to link these records and establish unique identifying profiles for each individual in a country. We are looking into frameworks that can arrive at harmonization as we believe assets that have been built such as identity databases, should not be thrown away but instead brought together, wherever possible, to create a uniform and unique framework for any given country.


While the first 3 Annual Meetings were about mobilization, the 4th Meeting is significant in that we are now entering the Action Phase. Consequently, the program will reinforce the elements needed for execution; be it policy, technology, solutions, finance, legal and institutional frameworks, capacity, etc. It promises to be a very impactful event marked by strong thought leadership presence.

Click Here to View the 2018 Program Outline


As a byproduct of the 2018 theme, focus will also be on data as a driver of change in the identity ecosystems in Africa. This year ID4Africa is proud to announce two new symposiums.

An in-depth symposium focusing on all issues related to Digital Healthcare. At the core of this will be digital identity and access management in the health sector. 
An evolution of last year’s DocSec, which focuses on everything related to identity and security including document security, law enforcement, and secure eID platforms.
ID4AFRICA 2017 EXPO, Windhoek, Namibia
Find out why you can't afford to miss ID4Africa 2018

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Sponsors as of September 14, 2017
Exhibitors as of September 14, 2017
Also of interest is a new conference organized by the Biometrics Institute - one of ID4Africa's dedicated supporters. Managing digital identity securely is a key focus for the Biometrics Institute this year and is a core theme for the Biometrics Congress 2017 in London, on the 1-2 November. 
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